Thursday, November 27, 2014

A New Journey After Fifty

Hello everyone.....

Well... I guess this is where you find out  
about me:
A woman on a new journey over the age of fifty ..........that's right............I said it FIFTY!! 
AHA!! .....I can hardly believe it ALL myself but,....... luckily for me, how very fortunate that they say the new FIFTY is now FORTY .......and the new FORTY is now THIRTY,...
and the new THIRTY is ........(screeching record sound) ...........TWENTY!!!  Yikes, can this be,....and the new SIXTY is now least I have something to look forward tooo!! 
Honestly tho, kidding aside, age is really just a number, affected me when I turned 40,  you have no choice except to get over it,..eventually.. 
besides,.. what are we to do ? 
We can't stop the hands of time or fate...we plug along day to day,...survival of the fittest! 
At this time in my life, many changes are once again taking place,...finishing my degree finally,..a new job on the horizon,..hopefully,... a new move eventually,...
but for now, moment at a time....
because the present is all we have right now.   
So...Welcome to my blog, 
I will share a bit of my world, my favorites, my writing, deep thoughts on different subjects, new places on the web that enhance life for the greater good....
I believe the greatest joy is in the steps of the journey......
But first one has to Believe ******************